Individual Therapy

If you are facing some problems that cause you distress, pressure or hopelessness, and affect your daily functioning, our counselling and psychology services may be beneficial to you.

If you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression from your Family Doctor (GP), Psychiatrist or Paediatrician, you may be eligible to get a Mental Health Treatment Plan. This means you can recieve a rebate of $96.65 per session from Medicare for up to 10 sessions with a Registered Psychologist per calendar year.

Our Individual Therapy Team

Ms Evelene Ma

Clinical Psychologist

Fee: $65 per session (online appointments only)
Availability: Friday & Saturday

✗ No Medicare rebate available

Dr Winnie Tse

Counsellor / Spiritual Director
Social worker (Mental Health)

Fee: $140 – $250 per session, depending on total family income
Availability: Monday & Thursday

✗ No Medicare rebate available

Mrs Cherrie Liu

Registered Psychologist (Clinical Psychologist Registrar)
Centre Director

Fee: $200 per session
Availability: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

✓ Medicare rebate of $96.65 available with a valid MHTP (out-of-pocket fee is $103.35)


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